The purpose of transmission gratings
for high power and ultra short pulse lasers
for high power and ultra short pulse lasers
At Gitterwerk you will get high quality transmission gratings, optimized for ultra short pulse and high power laser applications.
The periodic 100% fused silica gratings provide efficiency of up to 99.5% (incl. AR-Coating) and an excellent homogeneity for perfect beam quality.
Our gratings are manufactured with a unique mask based full-field exposure process, so you will not find stitching artifacts or period variations in our products.
No matter if you use Gitterwerk gratings for pulse compression in chirp pulse amplification or beam combining – you will always get an optimized grating design tailored to your application.
Due to our ultra-pure fused silica substrates, the high-quality dielectric coatings and a unique grating design, our gratings offer a very high damage threshold with maximum efficiency.
Are you planning to setup a new compressor to increase the laser efficiency or to reduce the size of the system?
We would be pleased to support you with our comprehensive grating expertise. In the early stage of your development we can help you avoid extra costs and power loss.
We always find the best solution with an ideal cost-benefit-ratio for your needs.
Let us help you find the optimal grating for your application.